Visitor registration at the event

Various options were available for visitor registration at the event. These included checking in via scanning a QR code or NFC tag. The advantage of digital check-in is that important key figures can be obtained. In this way, visitor numbers can be checked afterwards, but also which products a visitor found particularly interesting or which links interested him. These findings can be used to prepare even better for upcoming events. As a small event extra, there was a free drink for each registration.

The Moerschen product world-digital experience through NFC or QR

In order to experience the products digitally, all exhibited products were integrated into the Moerschen company website. On the event day, each product was equipped with an NFC sticker which was described beforehand and refers to the respective product. This eliminated the need to provide each product with a detailed description. The NFC stickers or QR codes could simply be scanned and information about the respective machines could be viewed directly. This made it unnecessary to give lectures about all the details or to hang up descriptions in the rain that would have become soggy. In addition, the visitor behavior on individual products could be tracked retrospectively to get an overview of which products were of particular interest. In addition, a detailed analysis could be made afterwards, which visitors were interested in certain products and in which products they were interested. The advantage for visitors was that they could save products they were interested in directly in their profile and retrieve them later. In addition, appointments could be made directly with the responsible salesperson on the respective products, making customer service during an event much easier and more efficient.